Fi­n­al status meet­ing in the DFG Pri­or­ity Pro­­gramme 2111

A total of 30 participants met at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute on September 11th and 12th for a final status meeting. Each of the ten sub-projects presented the main results of their research work from the second project phase. Some sub-projects started later for various reasons and therefore still have outstanding measurements. Although further publications are expected in the coming year, the second phase has almost caught up with the results of the first phase (61) with 58 articles in specialist journals and conferences. Activities such as winter schools and workshops, as well as future conference workshops, were also discussed. The professional exchange was framed by networking events such as a game of disc golf and a visit to a restaurant in the Paderborn brewery.

Participants of the SPP2111 status meeting 2024